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High Frequency Facial Wand

High Frequency Facial Wand

High Fre­quen­cy is a pop­u­lar skin­care tech­nique that is used to treat a vari­ety of con­di­tions, includ­ing acne man­age­ment, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrin­kles and puffy or dark eyes.

Dur­ing the high fre­quen­cy treat­ment, enriched oxy­gen mol­e­cules are pro­duced that cre­ate an anti-bac­te­r­i­al action and a ​“nat­ur­al” ther­mal tis­sue warm­ing. This reac­tion helps your blood ves­sels push away tox­ins, while the cells in your skin are enriched with nutri­ents and hydrat­ing vol­ume. This in turn cre­ates an increase in blood cir­cu­la­tion and cell renew­al that sup­ports increased lev­els of col­la­gen and elastin. The skin is left feel­ing instant­ly ener­gized and notice­ably soft­er after just one treatment.

High fre­quen­cy has proven to be effec­tive on almost any skin lesion from acne and burns, to wax­ing pro­ce­dures and cold sores. High fre­quen­cy facials are con­sid­ered to be a safe, gen­tle and ther­a­peu­tic approach to skin reju­ve­na­tion, quick­ly heal­ing and restor­ing your skin’s health.

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    Items are non refundable. In the instance the equipment is defective, an exchange, credit or refund will be offered.

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